For Institutional Investors & Professional Fund Selectors

Powering investment manager selection teams, processes and decisions

Source wider. Evaluate deeper. Work smarter.
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13 Years of Excellence in Fintech Innovation

22 Major Releases Since Inception
How it works

Leverage Your Investment Manager Selection Process

RFPnetworks is an advanced toolkit that helps asset manager selectors make smarter decisions.
Using 30 proprietary engines, investors can access more data on global managers across all asset classes.
Streamline your process to outperform in private searches or public tenders for funds or separately managed accounts.

Access 50000 Investment Research Papers

Log in regularly to track markets, managers, and capture new investment ideas across 11 asset classes.

Source Asset Manager Data

Next, use our deep dive toolkit to identify relevant managers for pre-search discussions before launching your search.

Evaluate Asset Managers

Evaluate managers in-depth and leverage advanced quantitative and qualitative data analysis with our 30 proprietary engines.

Collaborate in Real time

Collaborate seamlessly with your team, enhancing investment and operational due diligence for confident decisions.

Automate Governance

Finally, automatically build a proprietary research & selection database, ensuring top governance and capturing all analysis for future reference.

Our Investment Manager Data Engines

Designed for every step of your investment manager selection process.

10 Investment Research Engines

Our research engines deliver precise insights fast for deeper research and a competitive edge.

10 Performance Analysis Engines

Our analysis engines inspect performance deeply, uncovering what happened, when, and why behind the track record.

10 Interactive Qualitative Data Engines

Our interactive engines decode the performance drivers - the team, philosophy, process, firm - to gain absolute insights.

Smarter Investment RFP Process

Source wider, evaluate deeper -RFPnetworks empowers smarter RFP processes for faster, better portfolio results.
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Over 5000 users in 50+ countries

Trusted by Professional Investment Manager Selectors

Our clients

Pension Funds
Soveriegn Wealth Funds
Insurance Companies
Fiduciary Managers & OCIO
Family Offices
Endowments & NPOs
Wealth Managers
Investment Consultants

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Investment Research Papers


RFP's powered by RFPnetworks


Advancing Manager Selection
Head of Manager Selection
UK Pension Fund
My team scroll the feeds every day for new ideas. The younger associates love the app.
Chief Investment Officer
German Pension Fund
We analysed all managers quantitatively & qualitatively in one app very efficiently
Head of Equities
Swiss Insurance Company
We were surprised to uncover managers and track records we could not find in our databases.
Procurement Officer
U.S. Endowment
It is the only toolkit we found that is designed with investors front of mind.
Investment Office
Italian Pension Fund
We found the data very valuable for evaluating asset classes in our pre-RFP stage.
Head of Mandates
Dutch Fiduciary Manager
It gave us a structured system for evaluating manager data in multiple views.
Investment Director
UK Multi-Family Office
The sourcing engine opened our minds to boutique investment managers doing things differently.
Head of Fund Selection
French Wealth Manager
For ESG searches we found the data and tools useful for comparing investment managers.
Learn more

Investment Manager RFP Process FAQs

What does the investment manager selection toolkit cost?

RFPnetworks operates a freemium service model. When you Start Free you get unlimited access to the 6 Investment Research Engines. The 6 Performance and 8 Interactive data engines are premium tools. Contact support for a demo and a quote.

Which asset class RFPs can be launched?

RFPnetworks can be used for Private Markets, Real Assets, Alternatives and Public Market investment manager RFP processes. Whilst all these asset classes rely upon different data sets, our engines can be customised to structure what you need into the required format for evaluation.

Do you provide investment manager RFP questionnaire templates?

RFPnetworks contains an extensive proprietary library of ready-to-use and customisable RFP questions for all asset classes. Our RFP question library provides comprehensive coverage for all investment and operational due diligence processes. In practice, most investment manager selectors use a combination of our library and their own specific questions to create the perfect RFP for their specific asset class search.

Can we launch a public tender or procurement processes for investment manager services?

As public tenders and procurement processes are governed by very specific obligations, we have created tools that facilitate these obligations and the required governance. As RFPnetworks is specifically designed for investment manager RFP processes, the advantages compared to the generic public tender portals is significant.

How many investment managers do you cover?

Over 5000 investment managers globally across all asset classes have some form of licence with RFPnetworks. However, for very specific niche searches we have built a separate proprietary database that covers 1000s more. Our objective is to ensure that your RFP reaches all the relevant managers given your search specification.

Do you also provide investment consultancy services or advice?

RFPnetworks is a technology company. We do not recommend specific investment managers. However, once you have used our toolkit you will realise that you probably do not need an investment consultant. It becomes obvious which investment managers are best-in-class.

How can I launch an investment manager RFP?

It can take as little as 60 minutes to setup and launch your RFP using our toolkit. You can book a virtual training session for your team, or we can manage that for you. It is easy once you know how.
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